On April 24th, 2015 Bro. Calvin Gardner went to be with the Lord. The following is a list of how each primary ministry has been taken over. The remainder of the page remains for historical purposes.
- Printing Ministry → Joao and Joy Carlos (son-in-law and daughter)
- Website Ministry → Daniel Gardner (son)
- Translation Ministry → Ben Gardner (son)
Calvin Gardner
Missionary to Brazil
Missionary Since: | 1982 |
Location: | Presidente Prudente |
Family: | Charity, Joy, Peggy, Daniel, Ben and David |
Sending Church: | Wooster Baptist Temple |
Website: | Click Here |
Misistries: | Church Planting Printing Ministry Literature Ministry Filming and Audio Ministry Translation Ministry Website Ministry Seminary-Level Classes |

Our main job is Church Planting. This I believe should be every missionary's main purpose. The Lord has blessed His Word and organized four churches since 2004 through our instrumentality. The churches are one and half hour away from each other. We visit each one once a month to see how they are, to preach to them as well as minister seminary-level classes to eight of the brethren who come from three of the churches.
Church Planting is ever needed! There are other groups of brethren in cities eight or more hours away from us that beseech us to help them. I can do the work of one. To try to encourage the brethren in these other places without a missionary or pastor I send them material from our other ministries explained below.
Printing Ministry: We have over twenty small booklets and another eight larger books on our book list. We have at least twenty-five titles of tracts. One never knows just how great an audience printed material reaches, but we know it ministers where we are not, to people we may never meet and for years after we are gone, in ways that only God can minister.
Literature Ministry: This ministry involves purchasing items as reference material, doctrinal manuals and doctrinal booklets, Bibles and song books to put into the hands of church leaders. This ministry helps them learn right doctrine and then they pass it on to their churches.
Filming and Audio Ministry: - We have over 99 titles of doctrinal messages gleaned from our preaching and teaching ministries which we distribute all over Brazil.
Translation Ministry: Doctrinal material treating the doctrines of Grace and the New Testament church is scarce in the Portuguese language. So we translate what we find is lacking.
Website Ministry: Since 1998 we have had a presence on the Internet. My purpose then and yet today is the same, namely: put the truth out where all can find it. John Gill said: "One can not expect the obedience of faith if the doctrine of Faith has not been taught." We began with a few studies and add to them regularly as we finish their preparation and use in the churches. There are over a thousand studies on our paid for domain: PalavraPrudente.com.br We are blessed with over 300,000 pageloads a month from more than 4,000 visitors a day.
Seminary-Level Classes: I began this part of our ministries to help those whom the Lord has raised up to teach and preach in the churches. We have 56 lessons that touch all the doctrines of the Word of God. These lessons are used for our Online Seminary-Level Studies as well.